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I'm very excited to announce my new venture, ELKE'S DESIGN TALKS, as a YouTube channel and Facebook group!​

I got the idea from working on my first online interview series „The tipping point to success – TOP German designers reveal their DOS and DON’TS on the way to success“, which was already broadcast in German. It now forms with English translations the basis of my first design talks, a new longterm series. 

Banner der Online Interview-Serie The Tipping Point to Success

ELKE’S DESING TALKS will come to you about 3 times a month with interviews, live or recorded or other valuable information. It is all in the making and you are part of this exciting process. I will inform you in time about broadcast dates or replays.




The easiest way to keep up to date with the latest conversations and reports is to subscribe to my email list. You will also find more information about "The tipping point to success there and the full list of my interview partners:

The best place for communication between members, discussions, announcements and sharing of interesting feeds is my private Facebook group ELKE'S DESIGN TALKS:

You can also sign up ELKE'S DESIGN TALKS YouTube Channel for all interview replays and more videos about related topics:



The development of these design talks is my culmination of decades of higher education, experience and creativity that began very early with a love for colours watching my father and for nature encouraged by taking walks through the forest with my grandfather. My best subjects in school were always math and art. 

A long story short that nature love grew into an agricultural degree focusing on the tropics and subtropics, and went on to include achieving my doctoral degree studying statistics with the PhD thesis „Simulation study for coupling analysis of molecular markers and complex features“.  

My studies and my private travels took me through all 7 continents and exposed me to every type of culture, the influences of which I would like to share with you. 
After completing my doctorate degree I accepted a position as the head of a colour design studio in Braunschweig where I developed award-winning colour designs for the exteriors and interiors of thousands of buildings. During that time I delved into the theory of ornamental design.

2000 I launched my own design studio under the name carpe colorem! colour design, which today is called crossoverdesign. And by 2004 I graduated with my second degree, a Diploma in product design focusing on the principles of ornamentation and pattern design. The best way to see what ornaments I design is to go to my website

ELKE's DESIGN TALKS brings all my experiences together and focuses on spreading thoughts and visual impressions about art, design, architecture and craft to an interested community. 

In an effort to bring together what I see as belonging together, to mediate between the most diverse, visual-creative disciplines of human creation, to break down boundaries, to connect and not to separate.  

In this way, the focus of this forum is to generate crossover thoughts, spread knowledge and share visions by meeting interesting people - famous or not famous - all over the world.

My vision as an artist & designer is to create beauty with giant colorful ornamental artworks to bring joy and power to people. It is my deep belief that human beings need beauty and even more now than ever - it is an essential need and, of course, it finds expression not only in our visually experienced world.

I am very happy if you share my link to sign up for my email list, YouTube Channel or Facebook Group to bring my talks and vision to people.

​So at least my very big Welcome to my talks for you personal! 

I'm looking very much forward seeing you! 


PS: Send any questions to me by email

Logo crossoverdesign an ornament for you by elke wagner

We are a German design studio for ornaments, product design, home textiles and colour in architecture. Founded by Dr. Elke Wagner, crossoverdesign is located in the historic center of Braunschweig.

Wir sind ein deutsches Designstudio für Ornamente, Produktdesign, Heimtextilien und Farbe in der Architektur. Gegründet von Dr. Elke Wagner, befindet sich crossoverdesign im historischen Zentrum von Braunschweig.

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Dr. Elke Wagner

Gliesmaroder Str. 94

38106 Braunschweig


+49-531-61 71 44 75

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